
Houston Southwest

6750 West Loop

South Suite 1000

Bellaire, TX 77401
832-816-9314; 713-669-8947
[email protected]

[email protected]


Welcome to New Pathways Neurofeedback.  Our mission is to integrate the individualized treatment of our patients in the most caring and personal way with the newest and most effective brain-based treatment possible.  Our Ph.D. psychologists have over 25 years of experience each in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological symptoms.  With the growing scientific evidence of the role of the brain in psychological symptoms we are excited to add neurofeedback to our practice.  Neurofeedback is an evidence-based form of biofeedback that gives information to the brain in real time that allows it to become more efficient and regulated.   Neurofeedback can be a stand-alone treatment or an adjunct to more traditional talk therapy.  In many cases it can be an alternative to medication with little or no negative side effects. 

Our treatment plan is individualized and starts with a thorough assessment of brain functioning.  We regularly review your progress, symptoms, and treatment plan by reevaluating your current brain functioning.  Neurofeedback can be helpful for:  anxiety, attention/concentration, chronic pain, creativity and performance enhancement, depression, migraine headaches, post traumatic stress disorder, stress, and traumatic brain injuries/concussions.

These are the things people say during and after neurofeedback:  "I feel better overall, and my memory has improved."  "I'm sleeping better. I'm not as reactive and I have less noise in my head.  I can now ride in elevators by myself." "After neurofeedback I feel like my brain has worked out and has decompressed.  The anxiety flurries drop.  The issue I brought up at the beginning of the session does not feel as stressful now."  "I'm feeling less distracted and more focused."  "The nightmares that I have had all my life have finally gone away."  "All my ADHD symptoms are better and I'm off all my medication. I'm able to focus better.  I don't procrastinate as much. I'm able to get my schoolwork done."  "I feel like myself again."

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





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